Special issue publication Special issue "The Many Facets of the Vlasov Equation" Original papers based on the oral/poster presentations will be considered for publication as refereed articles in a special issue of Journal of Plasma Physics (Cambridge University Press). All articles should be submitted through the JPP portal: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-plasma-physics/information/instructions-contributors. Submissions should be clearly identified as intended for the Special Issue “The Many Facets of the Vlasov Equation” (use the pull down menu). This Special Issue is not restricted to the participants to the Vlasovia 2019 conference. All researchers working on various the many aspects of the Vlasov equation are invited to submit a contribution. More details about the special issue can be found here. Both original research articles and authoritative reviews will be considered for publication. All manuscripts will undergo the standard refereeing process. The Special Issue of Journal of Plasma Physics related to the Vlasovia 2016 conference can be consulted here. EXTENDED DEADLINE for manuscript submission: March 15th, 2020.